Scorpio Daily Horoscope

May 17, 2024

You'll feel tired of superficial encounters and faux friendships as the Virgo moon faces off with Saturn this morning and may need to set major boundaries against certain people. Love finds you once more as Venus and Uranus activate this afternoon, sweet Scorpio, helping you reclaim a sense of community. This cosmic climate also brings excitement to matters of the heart, and a new love interest could emerge. If you're already partnered up, use this energy as an excuse to merge social spheres with a fun night out. You'll light up any room you walk into later tonight when Luna aligns with the sun and Jupiter.

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Daily Food Horoscope

Shopping could be dangerous today if you don't keep your impulses under control. Cook at home if you must be impetuous. Bake a spinach and mushroom quiche and eat the whole thing. You can't be expected to keep all your impulses under wraps.

Daily Home Horoscope

An impulse buy is looming in the not-too-distant future. Knowing this should help you avoid the risk and accept when the deal is just too good to be true. Before you buy that used car, have your mechanic check it for troubles you can't see. Trust your instincts and stick to your guns!

Daily Dog Horoscope

Your owners may seem put out by your exercise needs, but they're secretly wishing they had even a drop of your energy. They'll never come close to even meeting you halfway, but they'll feel a whole lot better if they join you more often. Drag them out for a long one.

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Daily Teen Horoscope

People are drawn to you like moths to a flame. They just throw themselves at you left and right. If only you could find someone you felt like throwing yourself at. Keep looking -- you'll find that dreamy person soon enough!

Daily Cat Horoscope

You can lead other cats anywhere you want -- and lesser creatures willingly do your bidding as well! You are a kitty Svengali, making it look easy while your rivals wail in anguish.

Daily Bonus Horoscope

Don't let ambition get the better of you today -- let other people have their way.